Tuesday, 29 November 2011

number 11 -tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuune

Song writing is definatley not my forte
I have found out that I can rhyme but trying to form my rhymes into a song isn't all that simple.
My first few (hundred) attempts failed miserably such as the very amazing:

I'm making chicken jamabalaya
the kitchen's on fire
there's curry in the pot
its very, very hot

 Or maybe this is more to your taste

This is the song I wrote
When I was really broke
It isn't very long
So everybody sing-a-long

They suck yes I know

I thought that I would totally fail this task but inspiration came to me in the middle of the night. Literally, it kept nagging me so I had to go write down this strain of the chorus before I was able to return to the land of nod.

Needless to say the original draft of the chorus is nothing like what I have now but hey ho that's what I get for trying to write things at like midnight.

You would think that I would write a song about things I like like baking, cake, chocolate or my bunny, Cleo. On the contary the subject of this song was memory or the lack thereof.

Luckily for me, my sister writes songs so she was in charge of the music so all I had to worry about was the lyrics (easier said than done)

Who is my sister? I hear you ask (ok so the voices in my head asked actually but hey ho)  Well here's a link


My memory is utter shite to put it frankly and so this song of memories lost came about. But I'd write one line and then have to rejuggle everything and then the words don't fit and its a big mess. I've had to abandon a lot of lines because the ideas didn't fit with the overall image and well songwriting is bloody hard :(

Video yet to come (or even to be recorded)