Monday, 15 August 2011

feeling snakey- belly dancing part 1

Feeling snakey
I thought it would be easier, cheaper and less scarring to others if I learnt to belly dance via DVD, hence afternoons spent in front of the telly popping and locking.

Firstly it must be learnt that you must clean the frosting out of the bowl - yes this woman is for real. I am scraping metaphorical frosting out of metaphorical bowls and picking up metaphorical basketballs....erm ok then.

My arms have to be snakey, its all about the serpentine y'all!

The next lesson to be learnt (actually its the third and fourth but whose counting)  is how to pop your hip, then to roll it, then both together. Starting to get a tad confuzzled right about now. I also had the pleasure nay the privilege of learning hip circles. Fun times, fun times, this where we are grateful for only putting the DVD on when no one else is in the house.

At the moment shimmies are the bane of my life, not only do I have to shimmy ( moving my knees back and forth really really fast) but I also have to do hip circles at the same time. I know that as a women I'm supposed to be good at multi-tasking and all that but this is really taking the biscuit.

The next two steps that we learn on this magical mystery tour are camels and horses- incredibly yes they are indeed called camels and horses. This introduces footwork oh dear god!!

This concludes the basic section, if this is basic, I dread to think what comes next.........t.b.c...