Friday, 26 August 2011

Walk like an Egyptian - belly dancing part 2

Walk like an Egyptian

The integrated section of the DVD not only had me putting the different steps together but also with movement - help!!!

As I may or may not have mentioned before the kind of belly dancing that I am learning is Egyptian, I am not sure what exactly the difference between Egyptian and other forms of belly dance is but my mate Lelia (the woman on the DVD) says that Egyptian belly dance you keep your leg straight i.e. don''t really bend your knees.

I therefore got excited when there was a section on the disc call the Egyptian walk - how exciting- alas it was not what I expected, with the funky hand moves and bobbing your head. You actually had to walk whilst popping your hip up and down, maybe I should walk like that next time I go into town. Like Joey says on Friends ( the pearl of all wisdom) maybe I need a new walk.

The last lesson in the integrated section was moving whilst doing hip circles/figure eights and all that jazz, if your confused right now don't worry, so was I. Basically when your doing a circle, when your weight is on the opposite side you move your leg, so when your in the right section of the circle you move your left leg (luckily this is not the way it was explained to me as seeing as telling my right from left is rather challenging.)

Balance comes in handy when you have to turn, side stepping and hip circling at the same time, its like turning on one leg.....and she topples over . Fortunately for me and unfortunately for any furniture (or any bunny) that gets in the way I now get to do full on dances- PEOPLE BEWARE!!!

Maybe I should get a costume?